Yes, I think it does, but for all the wrong reasons. For youthful skin? Yes. For a better sex life? Yes. For tighter abs? Yes. That's all on the outside, but what about the inside? Anecdotal evidence, of which there is plenty, strongly suggests that our insides can benefit from anti-aging foods if only we could break our addiction to meat and bread. The Earl of Sandwich did not do us any favors when he came up with the sandwich, nor did Oscar Mayer with the launch of lunch meats. And how about all those quick service fast food chains who serve up meals that consist of refined flour, sugar and meat...the all American hamburger.
Since switching to my diet of 60 to 70% alkaline producing foods, I have produced an environment in which my body has dramatically slowed the cellular aging process. For those of you new to this journal, you can go back to the beginning in the archives and read how this all came about and see for yourself what a diet based on what I refer to as anti-aging gastronomy can do. Just quickly for the newbies, it reduced my blood glucose from 109 to 85 in just a few months as well as correcting my thyroid and ridding me of the stiffness and joint pain that I dealt with all through middle age and into my fifties.
But, anti-aging only seems to sell if it improves the outside of the body, not the inside. I say this because I have been trying unsuccessfully to get someone to notice my monumental efforts to launch a restaurant in Anderson, SC in which the menu is based on entrees that are at least 60% alkaline producing food, eliminates added sugar, refined grains and bad fats, and loads up the plates with vegetables and proprietary fresh sauces. I have been trying to market it as an "eat smart" bar and restaurant in order to raise funding to launch what I think is a most worthy project---an eatery offering Americans who now eat out more than at home, a reasonably priced alternative to the massed produced bad food that leads to age related chronic disease such as diabetes II. A restaurant that even I would go to, not a health food, whole food or true food restaurant.
I have a dream to open a restaurant in Anderson, SC, a place where Americans are most in love with pig barbecue, hot dogs, deep fried oysters and fried mac n cheese---a restaurant that offers anti-aging gastronomy, not health food, just reversing the proportion of good and bad foods, eliminating sugar, refined grains and bad fats. It is as easy as that. I have a dream that I can teach there. I have a dream that I can offer an incubator for others in the food industry to produce "eat smart" packaged products to help the busy homemaker. I have a dream that my restaurant will be a footprint for more to spread around the nation so that families can learn to love and even crave good food. I have a dream that young adults and homemakers will learn from my book series, Cooking Skills for Life, what good food can do, how to prepare it and embrace it with enthusiasm, creating the first generation with fewer diabetics. The second in the series called Good Food Bad Food will be available in September.
Yes, I have become an advocate, a zealot for anti-aging gastronomy. I am because I know first hand that it is the key to our longevity and good health. It will solve the obesity problem, stop the epidemic of diabetes appearing at a younger and younger age, and make the how to fix our healthcare and health insurance systems arguments go away. My solution is this: change the palate of Americans beginning with this generation by offering good food choices where they eat most of their meals, restaurants.
The US and SC state government programs (based on US mandates) created for the purpose of eliminating obesity and chronic disease have failed. Their efforts to educate have failed. And their new programs to put farmer's markets in the inner cities and make whole food more easily accessible to low income families and welfare mothers will also fail. It will not put a dent in the metrics. Americans are hooked on fatty meats, sugar and flour and until the American palate is changed they will walk right past the farm store and into sandwich and ice cream shops, the hamburger chains and meat and three's and step up to the soda machines. Our tax money is being spent on programs that DO NOT WORK!
I need $ 40,000 to take the first step for America---the first step toward fixing our failing health. I have
$ 20,000 of my own funds which I have set aside for that purpose. I just need to match those funds and thus far I have been unsuccessful. I have been declined for conventional bank loans, SBA guaranteed loans, Angel investors, SC "eat smart" grants, federal grants, went unnoticed on kickstarter and have tried to sell every asset I have without success. These are hard times for all Americans and Europeans, and I get that. I want to know from you, my readers in Russia, England, Canada and the U.S.who I know are out there according to the Google stats.

Here is my question, if I list this project on Indiegogo (again), will you contribute $ 20 to help me fund my dream? If not, I want to know why? This is not rhetorical, please respond in a comment below.
Here is a sample menu for you to see what I mean by it is easy to eat smart, America!
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