Monday, June 18, 2012

For those of you who followed my personal challenge, the reason I started this journal, I have good news.  Two days ago, for the first time in years, I did not have to take ibuprofen for the pain in my right thumb, left knee, ankle, nor did I awake with any of the stiffness or annoying aches and pains to which I had been accustomed upon waking every morning.  It wasn't until the mid-afternoon that I realized that I was pain free and had not taken an anti-inflammatory.

Now, that may seem like a little thing to some of you, but the fact is, I have been taking an anti inflammatory for decades for the relief of joint and muscle pain, 800 mg three times per day.  That is four tablets three times a day.  I have been eating an anti-aging diet for a couple of years now (not always steadfast), and have seen a steady weight loss, but more importantly, less inflammation in fingers, ankles, knees, shoulders and less pain in hips and back, especially between the ribs.  In addition, my annual physical bloodwork has shown a reduction of blood glucose from 109 to 85, better thyroid function, cholesterol and normal c-reactive protein, a measure of inflammation.  But none of these improvements meant as much to me as the sudden realization that I no longer have to rely on ibuprofen every morning to get moving!

I have increased the ratio of alkaline producing food to acid food to 75/25 over the past 3 weeks and it has certainly paid off.  Our garden has yielded a hefty crop of cucumbers which I have been picking and eating right off the vine for the last two weeks, and the yield of tomatoes has been great as well.   Cucumbers in particular are beneficial, not just because they are alkaline producing, but they have a high water content and fiber, assuming you eat the skin.  Eat smart, eat fresh and eat raw vegetables, America!

In addition to the extra vegetables, I have reduced the daily amount of protein and grains.  The protein at breakfast and lunch has been from peanut butter, eggs or vegetables with only 3 or 4 ounces of animal protein at dinner.  Grains have been limited to one slice of whole grain bread at breakfast, and a couple of tablespoons at dinner in the form of brown rice or quinoa, or sometimes a root vegetable instead like white potato with skin on, sweet potato with skin on or none at all if I am eating legumes.  It is true that variety is the spice of life, so I always spice it up with a garnish of parsley, a wedge of lime, a spoonful of blueberry ginger sauce or fresh tomato salsa or pickled onion.

For all of you, especially those of you over 40, who want to be free of the age related stiffness, aches, and pains and for those of you who want to avoid the all to common age related chronic diseases of arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and even the age related skin anomalies like psoriasis and skin abscesses, EAT SMART, America.

Here's my best recipe for pickled red onion, the onions are sweet and sour and crunchy.

1 each onion, red, whole, large, thinly sliced
1/2 cup vinegar, apple cider
1 tablespoon sugar, dark brown, real molasses
12 each jalapeno slices, sliced round, thin
1 each bay leaves, whole, bruised
1/4 teaspoon salt, sea salt
1/2 teaspoon peppercorns, whole balck

Combine all ingredients except onions and stir to dissolve sugar (Yes, I know sugar is acid producing but remember we are always going for 75/25 and look at the rest of the ingredients!)
Add onions and stir to coat evenly.
Place onions and pickling liquid in air tight container and refrigerate overnight.

Buon Appettito e Buona Salute, Chef Angela B

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